
Debbie Quinn, Library Director
After raising her four children and working for 20 years as a pre-school teacher, Debbie decided on a career change. She earned a master’s degree in Library and Information Science from The Palmer School of Long Island University, and was hired at the Lehman College Library, where she worked at the Reference Desk and was the liaison between the Library and the High School of American Studies located on the campus. In 2017 Debbie became the Children’s/Young Adult Librarian in Hastings, the village she has happily called home since 1993. She was appointed Library Director in August 2020.
Our Librarians and Clerks
Our dedicated staff consists of five librarians, a total of nine full-time and part-time clerks, one page, and a bookkeeper.
As of January 2021, they have worked here a cumulative 137 years, testimony that this Library is a very nice place to stay awhile.
Jeanne, Mike and Regina, our Adult Reference librarians, are responsible for choosing the books, e-books, audiobooks, and DVDs the Library acquires. We also have Allee, our Youth Services librarian, responsible for the children’s collection. Throughout the year, the librarians select and display items and information on topics relevant to our community, country, and world, i.e., local authors, African-American History Month, or the legacy of public figures such as John Lewis and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The librarians assist patrons with reading recommendations, inter-library loan requests, and research questions, and also lead various programs offered at the Library, such as the knitting circle, storytime, creative writing workshops, and book/movie discussions.
Our clerks — Nicole, Ursula, Judy, Metha, Patty, Lucy, Lori, Donna and Juan — are the ones who keep Library materials flowing, from emptying the outdoor book drops to checking in borrowed items, shelving, processing holds, and then checking them out. They help patrons with the copy and fax machines, the scanner, and the public computers, and take reservations for the Study Rooms. The clerks also answer the phones and cover the Circulation Desk. They are assisted by our page, David, who re-shelves all Library returns. And, last but not least, our bookkeeper, Barbara, keeps us in the black.