Events for Adults
The Library, while committed to providing an oasis of calm and quiet, enthusiastically makes room for discussion and engagement. Our programs — always free — represent a range of interests as eclectic and inclusive as our community. Supported by the Friends organization, the Library screens films, presents concerts, holds art workshops, and hosts author talks and lecture series.
Planning such events, we have the enviable advantage of a rich pool of resident talent upon which to draw: writers, scholars, educators, scientists, musicians, and other accomplished individuals eager to share their expertise and experience. Widespread attendance by the public enlarges the scope of the Library and affirms its pride of place in village life.

“Keeping It Real” Book Club
February 21
11:00 a.m.
The Hastings Public Library’s non-fiction book club will be discussing Begin Again: James Baldwin’s America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own by Eddie S. Glaude Jr.
Copies are available at the Circulation Desk of the Library.
Please email to register or for more information.

Literary Savior: How Libraries Can Impact the Lives of Black Children with Danielle De Souza
February 23
2:00 p.m.
Danielle R. De Souza, Founder of D2 Communications, has more than 20 years experience in journalism, public relations and crisis management. She worked as a Crime Reporter for Westchesterʼs largest daily newspaper and as a community reporter for numerous print and online outlets. In the last five years, she served as a Spokeswoman/Public Information Officer for multiple large New York City and State government agencies.
Talk presented by the Friends of the Hastings Library

Tech Help
March 9 and 21, April 4 and 6, May 2 and 16
3:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Are you looking for tech help? Sign up to meet with helpers at the Library!
Volunteers can help you with your laptop, phone, tablet, or e-reader.
Available for all ages by appointment only. Call the Library or email to find out about availability or more information.

Perspectives: An Intergenerational Community Discussion Group on Life and Culture
Second Tuesday of the month beginning March 11
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
For teens (ages 13-19) and seniors (ages 65+).
A social hour featuring loosely guided discussions centered on a curated selection of movies, books, musics, graphic novels, podcasts, and more.
Each month, a new piece of media will be discussed over snacks and coffee.
Join other members of your community to share common ground and gain a new perspective.
Email for more information.

March 13
1:00 p.m.
Hasting Senior Thursday presents a screening of Chinatown (1974 – Rated R – 130 minutes), starring Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway, in the Orr Room of the Library.
Please email to register.
Sponsored by the Hastings Outreach Program, Hastings Senior Council, Hastings Public Library and Destination Hastings.

Local Luminaries: New York Green Roofs with Amy Falder
March 27
7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.
Amy Falder co-founded New York Green Roofs in 2008. Since then, this cooling and insulating, all-natural roofing has doubled its footprint in the US. A botanist by training and a horticulturalist by trade, Amy has coordinated projects ranging anywhere from the Empire State Building to the Statue of Liberty Museum to Chemka Pool.
Join us as she breaks the logistical and fascinating process down (using a short film directed by her neighbor Brant Sersen) and generally talks about the efficacy of sustainable roofing. You will be surprised at how impactful such an ancient practice can be.

Mahjong Group
12:30 p.m.
If interested in playing Mahjong at the Library, call (914) 478-3307 or visit the Circulation Desk and leave your name and number.
Players will need to bring their card from the Mahjong League.

Movin’ the Mind and Groovin’ the Balance
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Participate in a dance class for folks with Parkinson’s and movement challenges.
Join dancers Julie Worden (Mark Morris Dance Group, Dance for PD Teacher, PMD Alliance Ambassador) and Andrea Sherman (Choreographer with Jacques D’Amboise, writer on ritual and aging).
Suggested Donation: $5
Parking passes will be available at the Circulation Desk of the Library.
Email for more information.
“I have been thoroughly enjoying attending the Parkinson’s Dance classes. Julie and Andrea have developed dance routines set to music that are engaging, fun and adaptable – fostering balance and flexibility in a supportive and inclusive program. I have met some wonderful people!” -Jane Carpe, participant
“I look forward to the dance classes, they keep my old bones limber, keep me moving well and I always leave them smiling!” -David Wood, participant

Knitting and Crocheting Group
2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
At the present time, we have reached our maximum number of participants. Please know this is not a teaching group, but a social gathering for knitters and crocheters to work on individual projects.
For more information or to be added to the waiting list, please contact Reference Librarian, Jeanne Bastone:
Project Linus
Sundays, once a month, date TBA
For well over 10 years, the Hastings Library has hosted a group of dedicated knitters and crocheters who make blankets for Project Linus, a national organization named after the Peanuts character who always carries a security blanket with him. The donated blankets are distributed to hospitalized and other children in need of some comfort.
I recently received a very heartfelt thank you card from Doris-Patt Smith, a coordinator from Project Linus. It is such a gratifying experience to participate in this program and I invite anyone who might be interested in joining our group to email me for more information. I look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks.
Jeanne Bastone, Reference Librarian

The Seed Exchange
The Seed Exchange is at the Hastings Public Library!
Thanks to Katie Tolson and the Hastings Pollinator Pathway, the Fred and Louise Hubbard Heirloom Seed Collection has been revived.
The drawers of a vintage card catalog are labeled with the genre of seeds therein: flowers, herbs, vegetables and native plants. And, there is a clear container on top of the card catalog where you may place seeds you would like to contribute.
For questions or more information please stop by the exchange or go to the Hastings Pollinator Pathway website.